Floor ball, ultimate disc, net ball…. These are just few of the sports that students of DGHS learn through their high school life. At first, most of the students were not familiar with these sports, and why is that? It is because these sports are ‘new sports’ that have not been introduced to many people yet. So what are these ‘new sports’? New sports are physical activities that are easy to learn and play. Major sports such as soccer and baseball which require some complex skills can be hard to play for many people. However, anyone can play new sports. Age, gender, body features do not matter. New sports also require every player’s participation as well as sportsmanship and manner toward the opponent. You can learn to be an active player as well as mature sportsmanship as you play the game. So what kinds of new sports are being played at DGHS?
Flag Football
Flag football is a game inspired from rugby or American football. The rule is similar to American football. With a diamond-shaped ball, you toss and run to reach the opponent’s side to get a point. The difference is that players wear a flag that can be plucked off. Instead of tackling someone down to defend like they do in American football, you pluck a flag out of a person who is handling the ball to stop them from progressing. Since it doesn’t require aggressive body checks such as tackling, it is much safer and even females can enjoy as well. Flag football player Chae-Whi Lim (17, DGHS student) said that flag football requires extreme amount of physical energy. So it improved his physical ability as well as his strength. He added “It helped me improve my teamwork with other players.” And he explained all new sports are helpful for having a healthy school life.
Ultimate Disc
Ultimate disc is a game also inspired from American football. The rule is the same but the major difference is that instead of a diamond-shaped ball, you use a flat, circle-shaped flying disc. Also, instead of tackling, you have to slap the disc down to the ground in order to stop the competing team from progressing. It also doesn’t require aggressive body checks, but since a disc flies at high speed and can be dangerous if hit, sportsmanship and spirit of the game are required when playing. Ultimate disc club captain Han-Young Lee (17, DGHS student) stated that ultimate disc is a marvelous sport since it requires extreme teamwork. He also added that with ultimate disc, you can learn to respect competitors and to communicate with your team.
Floor Ball
Floor ball is a game inspired from hockey. You play with a long plastic stick that looks just like a hockey stick. Also, instead of a heavy puck, you use a soft, less dangerous, round plastic ball. The rules are similar to hockey. Players pass a ball with a stick and try to earn a score by shooting it inside the goal. Also just like any other game you play with sticks, this sport focuses on players to be safe and follow the rule since many accidents occur from swinging sticks too much. Floor ball player Hye-In Yoon (18, DGHS student) has played floor ball even before entering DGHS. She said floor ball became part of her life because it is fun to play and can improve athletic ability as well as teamwork.
Net Ball
Net ball is inspired from basketball. It is played by usually females, who have difficulties playing regular games of basketball. Unlike basketball where it’s free to move around, net ball focuses on player’s position. So it is foul when you receive a ball outside your position. With this rule, players can’t become aggressive on each other so it is much safer. Other than that, most of the rules are similar to basketball. You pass the ball and shoot at the hoop in order to get a score. Net ball player Se-Mi Kwon (16, DGHS student) explained netball as “sport that is easy to learn and easy to play.” She was fascinated with the rules of netball and she said that even though she didn’t win at a tournament, she could learn more skills and communication with other team members.
Carrom is a game from India, inspired from the game of pool. The rules are simple. You flick a big piece and try to put your small pieces inside the hole on the corners of the game board just like pool. Pool is hard to play and takes up large space. Although, unlike it, Carrom is easy to play since you hit the piece by flicking your fingers rather than a long stick. Also, it takes up less space since the game board is only the size of an open book. Carrom player Bo-Mi Kim (17, DGHS student) mentioned that carrom is a good sport. Even though it doesn’t require much physical activity, it is perfect for beginners to learn and play. She said that with carrom people can learn focusing and accurate aiming.
New sports, they are easy to learn and play. This is what physical education of the future should be like.
By Min-Soo Lee
(DG reporter)